Barrons Independent


Money Resolutions That Aren’t Actually Good For Your Finances

Are you tired of money resolutions that aren't actually good for your finances? In a world inundated with financial advice, navigating the realm of money resolutions can be challenging. It's essential to discern between resolutions that genuinely contribute to your financial well-being and those that merely masquerade as beneficial.

Money Resolutions That Aren’t Actually Good For Your Finances

Morgan Barrons

Jan 17, 2024

Now that the year has begun, it is appropriate to consider making resolutions for the year. Even if inflation has decreased over the last year, rising expenses have had a long-lasting effect on our savings and financial security.

According to a Bankrate study, 52% of Americans stated that having money has a negative influence on their mental health. This is a substantial rise from 42% only a year prior. When faced with financial difficulties, it's critical to look at doable financial solutions that will both prepare you for future changes in the economy and make sure you're feeling well all around.

Improving your financial situation in the upcoming year might help your general well-being by relieving your concerns about debt and not having enough money saved for emergencies. In this article, we will talk about money resolutions that aren’t actually good for your financesand also what finance resolutions would work best for you.

The Importance Of Setting Realistic Financial Resolutions

Short-Term Goals Take Center Stage for Financial Resolutions
Short-Term Goals Take Center Stage for Financial Resolutions

The importance of setting realistic financial resolutions cannot be overstated, as they play a crucial role in shaping your financial future and overall well-being. Setting realistic financial goals is crucial for several reasons, some of which are as follows;

Inspiration And Responsibility

A sense of direction and purpose is provided by realistic objectives, which offer you something to strive for. Whether it's debt reduction, travel, or homeownership, they assist you in maintaining focus on the things that are most important to you.

Avoiding Disappointment And Frustration

Achievable financial objectives avoid disappointment and frustration along the road by being in line with your resources and present financial status. By guaranteeing that your goals are reachable, SMART goals help you avoid disappointment and frustration when you're working toward them.

Alignment With Life Aspirations

Relevance guarantees that your monetary objectives coincide with your more general life aims. Your total happiness and well-being should be linked to your financial goals.

Creating A Plan

By establishing reasonable financial goals, you can take charge of your future. You may begin moving in the direction of a more stable and secure financial life by developing responsible habits, making a strategy to reach your goals, and selecting reasonable but attainable objectives.

Developing Better Money Management Skills

Financial resolutions assist you in improving your money management abilities, including learning how to lower debt, budget, and save more wisely. Long-term success will result from these habits becoming deeply embedded in your daily routine and way of life.

Self-Awareness And Discipline

Self-awareness and discipline are necessary for setting reasonable financial goals. Recall that the objective is to develop a sustainable financial plan that is in line with your goals and beliefs rather than to feel as if you are limiting your life.

Signs Your Financial Resolutions Are Completely Wrong

They Require You To Give Up Every Single Purchase You Enjoy

Perhaps this year, you want to increase the amount in your emergency fund from nothing to $6,000. In principle, that's a fantastic objective because it would safeguard you against unforeseen costs and job loss.

However, saving $6,000 in a year entails depositing $500 per month. If your monthly income is $2,500 and your essential costs are $2,000, you would need to save $500 in order to pay for no frills like streaming subscriptions or the occasional takeaway meal.

It is undoubtedly feasible to reduce those items. And it's really crucial to take action if you don't have any money in savings.

But it's unfair to convince yourself that you'll spend no money on enjoyable goods this year. As an alternative, think about making a compromise: try to save $250 every month, or $3,000 annually, so that you still have money for the things you like. It also provides you with a $3,000 safety net.

To Pull Them Off, You'll Need To Work Constantly

Perhaps your goal for this year is to purchase a house, but in order to save the down payment, you'll need to make an additional $20,000 from side gigs. If you're prepared to labor every waking hour, you might be able to reach your $20,000 goal. However, who desires to live that way?

If you can increase your income and better your financial situation, working more hours is not a terrible thing. However, there's a distinction between working 70 hours a week and, say, 50 hours instead of 40. The latter might be detrimental to both your physical and emotional well-being.

Financial Resolutions for - A Guide Based on Your Income Level
Financial Resolutions for - A Guide Based on Your Income Level

They Rely On Variables That Are Outside Your Control

Perhaps you want to increase your salary by 2024. However, your objective might not be the best one if you've worked for the same employer for three years and you know for a fact that increases are uncommon where you work. This is because it's something you can't control.

You may indeed impress your boss by working longer hours, improving your talents, and giving it your all. However, there's still no assurance that you'll be the happy receiver of a raise.

Instead, concentrate on achieving objectives that you can manage. Say to yourself that you'll make cuts and save $100 a month, for instance, if you purchase lunch every day and spend $10 every meal. It's something you are capable of accomplishing.

To feel good about your finances and yourself is the goal of making financial resolutions. Aim to create objectives that are feasible and won't make you miserable because setting unattainable goals might have the opposite impact.

8 Worst Financial Goals You Could Set For Your Finances

No Clear Objectives At All

Though it may seem apparent, "saving more money" isn't a suitable goal because it lacks any concrete metrics that can be measured or implied incentives. It might be challenging to determine whether you're on track with your money if you don't have any guidance or benchmarks. Any business coach would advise you to set SMART goals.

  • Specific - Why do you want to save the money?
  • Measurable - How much will you be able to save?
  • Achievable - Is it feasible?
  • Realistic - Do you think you'll carry it out?
  • Timely - When are you going to save it?

Consider your motivation for wanting to save more cash; is it a trip with the family? A brand-new vehicle? You may determine precisely how much you'll need and schedule a time to arrive after you have a clear understanding of why.

On your resolve list, you may put something like "save $4,000 by July for a family trip to Disney World" instead of "save more money." That is quantifiable and detailed, and reading it will serve as a daily reminder to stay motivated!

In keeping with that, it's critical to establish reasonable goals. It sounds great to add $1,000 more to your retirement account every month, but is it really possible? It's preferable to have a long-term view today rather than having to adjust your goals every month in order to make them work.

Maxing Out Your Budget With Retirement Contributions

The conventional wisdom states that we should start saving for retirement as soon as possible and increase our contributions each year, yet many individuals neglect to take care of other vital areas of their money.

All too frequently, individuals choose to maximize their contributions while living paycheck to paycheck and starting to accumulate debt with exorbitant interest rates. While adding funds to your 401(k) is a terrific idea, you won't want to take early withdrawals and face the tax repercussions if your car breaks down or your roof leaks.

Prioritizing monthly spending reduction and emergency fund contributions should always come first. The next step is to figure out how much you can afford to put toward your retirement. Making ensuring that assets are invested in a way that fits your age, objectives, and risk tolerance is also a brilliant idea.

Financial Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
Financial Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Letting Others Set Your Goals

These days, it's all about influencers. All it takes is a fast glance around social media to find a video about a new stock that you simply must buy, and you're hooked.

However, it is rarely a good idea to allow other people to influence your financial objectives because every individual is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to money management could be more effective. Furthermore, it goes beyond mere influencers. Friends, family, kids, and broader social expectations may all have a noticeable impact on our financial feelings.

It only means you need to go a step further. It doesn't mean you can't discuss New Year's resolutions with your loved ones. Discuss ideas with people, check objectives online, and get feedback from others, but then schedule some time to reflect alone or with your spouse. Whatever financial goals are most appropriate for you.

Neglecting Your Credit Score

Pay attention to your credit score even if you're too busy saving up those reserves to meet your financial objectives.

In order to be eligible for reduced interest rates on house and vehicle loans, you must establish and keep up a strong credit score. Reprioritizing might help you find a balance if you're not paying your bills on time or if you're taking on more debt to increase your savings.

Consider obtaining a free credit report online to keep track of your progress while you strive toward your financial goals. Make sure to review your report for any errors or inconsistencies while you're at it. Improving your credit score might lead to more enticing credit card offers and cheaper interest rates should you ever need to borrow money.

Rapid Debt Repayment

Although getting rid of debt is a laudable objective, rushing to pay off all of one's bills as fast as possible might be counterproductive. When you aggressively repay debts, you may leave yourself financially susceptible in the event of an emergency.

Additionally, the pressure to reach unreasonable timetables can contribute to stress and fatigue. It is necessary for long-term success to have a debt payback plan that is both practical and strategic, taking into consideration both the financial stability and the mental well-being of the individual.

Overreliance On High-Risk Investments

However, placing all of your eggs in high-risk baskets for the appeal of rapid returns can be disastrous to your financial situation, even though investing is a wise financial approach. The increased volatility and possibility for loss that come with aggressive investing portfolios are a part of the package.

When it comes to preserving your financial future and avoiding undue exposure to market volatility, diversification and a balanced approach to investing risk are two of the most important factors to consider.

Obsessive Pursuit Of Side Hustles

An obsessive pursuit can have a negative impact on both one's physical and mental health, despite the fact that it is a fashionable trend to diversify one's revenue sources via the use of side hustles.

Continuously working hard can result in burnout, which has a negative influence on both overall productivity and well-being. Your goal should be to strike a good balance between your career and personal life, with an emphasis on side projects that are both sustainable and rewarding rather than giving in to the pressure of constant hustling.

Top 10 financial goals for - Times Money Mentor
Top 10 financial goals for - Times Money Mentor

Not Seeking Professional Help When Needed

A standard error made by individuals is attempting to manage their finances alone without consulting a financial expert or planner.

Even though there are many tools available for handling personal money, getting expert assistance can yield insightful analysis and recommendations that are customized to your unique circumstances.

A financial adviser may advise on budgeting, saving, investing, and other topics, as well as assist you in developing a customized strategy for reaching your financial objectives. Additionally, they may assist in locating possible red flags in your finances, including loans with high-interest rates or needless spending, and provide strategies to deal with them.

Creating Realistic And Effective Money Resolutions

Determine Your Net Worth

One important aspect of your overall financial wellness is your net worth. Subtract your obligations (such as outstanding loan balances) from your assets (such as owned property, investments, and bank accounts) to find your net worth.

Examining your assets and obligations in detail will help you see where you are financially and help you decide whether to adjust your spending or saving habits. It gives you a quick overview of your financial situation and a straightforward way to plan your financial actions for this year.

Create An Emergency Fund

A keystone of your financial well-being is an emergency fund. It guarantees that you have funds saved up for those unforeseen bills when life throws you a curveball. Make setting up an emergency fund a top priority if you haven't already. Prioritize increasing your balance by consistently contributing if you already have one.

Your emergency reserve should ideally cover three to six months' worth of living costs. You don't need to have that much in the account right away, so don't worry! Setting and achieving goals takes time. If you deposit money on a regular basis, your emergency fund will increase over the next year.

Establish Reasonable Objectives

It's a fact that many of us set resolutions for the New Year and then resume our indulgence in wine and chocolates the week following.

The majority of New Year's goals and resolutions are unattainable. Really, you're not going to live in a cave, give up everything you own, and never again indulge in a double mocha frappucino.

That's not practical. However, you may make little adjustments like canceling pointless memberships, planning your monthly payments, choosing to prepare your own lunch or coffee on certain days, or changing energy providers.

You'll be astounded at how minor adjustments may improve your financial situation. Therefore, keep making food purchases and paying your gas bill; just attempt to cut back on the items you actually don't need.

Resolve To Be A 1 Percenter

Save one percent more this year than you did last, whether it's in your investing account, 401(k), or any other place where you're putting money away for the future. It won't really be missed. Next year, make the same decision.

You will soon be saving an additional 10, 15%, or more. You won't notice, though, because you're just making tiny changes (well, maybe until you see that increasing number in your account).

Tips for a Realistic New Year's Resolution
Tips for a Realistic New Year's Resolution

Resolve To Create A Budget You Can Live With

A budget shouldn't be a hassle or a source of regret. Finding out how much is coming in and where it will go each month is all that is required. Let's say your monthly rent payment is $1,500 and your utility costs are $300.

There is little chance of those figures changing. But how much will you spend on going out, paying off debt (above your minimum payments) or investing for a vacation? You can prioritize these costs somewhat since you have some leeway.

Do you wish to pursue debt repayment more assiduously? You may want to dine out at least twice a week. Budgets shouldn't be limiting; instead, take into account your happiness so that you may live in the moment and yet create plans for the future.

Improve Financial Literacy

Customers who possess financial literacy are more equipped to plan for a secure future, negotiate challenging financial circumstances, and make educated judgments. Data from Bankrate shows that although 20% of Americans seek help from financial consultants or other experts, 27% of Americans rely on advice from friends and relatives.

Every week, set aside some time to study books, listen to podcasts, or follow credible finance blogs as instructional tools. Here are a few simple methods to increase your financial literacy;

  • Read a lot of books- Examine credible websites, books, and articles about personal finance.
  • Attend workshops and webinars- Numerous businesses and financial institutions provide free webinars or seminars on a range of financial issues, allowing you to ask questions and gain insight from the experiences of others.
  • Utilize online courses - Numerous financial themes may be found in reasonable or free courses on platforms such as Khan Academy, Coursera, and others.
  • Make use of a finance app- Some apps, like Zogo, are intended to teach users about personal finance in addition to managing their money.
  • Follow financial experts - Make sure you are educated by subscribing to podcasts, blogs, and reputable financial gurus. These resources can offer timely guidance and insights that are simple to understand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The First Step To Achieving Nearly Any Financial Goal?

Making a budget is a critical first step to achieving nearly any financial goal.

What Is The Importance Of Having A Plan To Achieve Financial Resolutions?

A plan outlines how you will accomplish your goal and helps you stick with money resolutions.

What Is The Importance Of Regularly Reviewing Your Finances?

Regularly reviewing your finances helps you track progress and make adjustments as needed.

Final Words

In the pursuit of financial betterment, it's imperative to discern the pitfalls of well-intentioned but misguided resolutions. As we've explored the nuances of different money resolutions that aren’t actually good for your finances, it becomes evident that extreme financial goals can lead to unforeseen challenges.

Balancing financial aspirations with a mindful, sustainable approach is paramount. Remember, blindly adhering to societal norms or quick fixes may compromise long-term stability.

By understanding the downsides of certain resolutions and embracing a well-rounded, flexible financial strategy, you can navigate toward lasting prosperity. Evaluate, adapt, and prioritize your financial well-being over fleeting trends.

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