Barrons Independent


How To Never Pay Rent Or A Mortgage Ever Again?

Discovering "how to never pay rent or a mortgage ever again" might seem like an elusive dream, but with the right mindset and a touch of creativity, you can unlock alternative paths to homeownership or accommodation that defy the conventional norms.

How To Never Pay Rent Or A Mortgage Ever Again?

Morgan Barrons

Dec 11, 2023

The dream of never having to pay rent or a mortgage again is a compelling vision for many individuals seeking financial freedom. While it may seem like an unattainable goal, there are strategies and approaches that, if diligently followed, can lead to a life without the burden of monthly housing payments.

In this comprehensive guide, you will explore various paths toward achieving how to never pay rent or a mortgage ever again, covering both unconventional and traditional methods.

What Is A Mortgage?

Three People Sitting Beside Table
Three People Sitting Beside Table

A mortgage is a type of loan specifically used to finance the purchase of real estate. In a mortgage agreement, a borrower obtains funds from a lender to buy a home or other real estate property, and the property itself serves as collateral for the loan.

The borrower typically agrees to repay the loan over a specified period, making regular payments that include both principal and interest.

Key components of a mortgage include:

  • Principal -This is the amount borrowed to purchase the property. The borrower agrees to repay the principal along with interest over the life of the loan.
  • Interest -Lenders charge interest on the loan as compensation for the risk they take in lending money. The interest rate can be fixed (remains constant throughout the loan term) or variable (fluctuates based on market conditions).
  • Loan Term -The loan term is the duration over which the borrower agrees to repay the loan. Common mortgage terms are 15, 20, or 30 years.
  • Collateral -The property being financed serves as collateral for the loan. If the borrower fails to make payments, the lender has the right to take possession of the property through a legal process known as foreclosure.
  • Down Payment -The borrower is usually required to make a down payment, which is a percentage of the property's purchase price. The size of the down payment can affect the terms of the loan.

Mortgages are essential in real estate transactions, enabling individuals and families to purchase homes without having to pay the entire purchase price upfront. The terms of a mortgage can vary based on factors such as the borrower's creditworthiness, the loan amount, and the prevailing economic conditions.

Is It Better To Rent Or Buy?

Person Giving Money to Another Person
Person Giving Money to Another Person

The rent vs purchase issue is not new, but given how insane the housing market has been in recent years, it appears to be the topic of conversation these days. However, this is what you want to keep in mind: As long as your finances are in order, you can decide whether it's preferable to purchase or rent since each option has advantages and disadvantages.

Purchasing a home offers you equity, privacy, and ownership, but the high cost of maintenance, taxes, interest, and insurance can quickly add up.

Renting an apartment or house allows you more mobility and less upkeep. However, you could have to put up with noisy neighbors, rising rent, or a cranky landlord.

Undoubtedly, having a house may bring happiness and pride (who wouldn't want to make good use of those Pinterest boards for home décor? ), but it can also be an expensive source of worry! Because of this, before making such a significant move, you should be sure that you are prepared to purchase a home.

Man Giving Money to Woman
Man Giving Money to Woman

Renting Vs. Owning: What’s The Difference?

The meaning of obtaining a place to live differs between renting and owning in almost every way. Tenants have different obligations than owners do.

Neither the expenses nor the benefits are the same. Goals, needs, and lifestyles are often different as well. These variations sometimes represent the decision to purchase or rent, and occasionally, they indicate the rationale behind that decision.

In any case, your decision-making process will be more straightforward the more you understand these distinctions.


Monthly Housing Payment

The loan you take out to buy your house contains principal and interest, which you pay back each month. This is known as your mortgage payment. Your mortgage payment is typically fixed for 30 years and does not vary.

Your debt is settled after 30 years, at which point you become the property's sole owner. Consider thinking about an adjustable-rate mortgage or one of many other kinds with varied terms and features in addition to a traditional 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.

Mortgage Interest

You can refinance your original loan and reduce your monthly housing payment if interest rates drop. Annual interest payments made on your taxes may also be written off.

Property Taxes

The taxing authority receives your payment of local property taxes, which you may deduct up to $10,000 from your income taxes. You risk having a lien placed on your property and ultimately losing it to foreclosure if you don't pay your property taxes.


The upkeep of the house you own is your responsibility. This may include anything from purchasing a new water heater, fixing a broken driveway, or replacing the roof. It is your responsibility as the homeowner to repair anything that breaks down.


All of your items, as well as the house, including damages from fire or water, must be covered by homeowner's insurance. It has to have liability insurance as well. Homeowners insurance may cost up to eight times more than a renters policy since it is required to give much greater coverage than renters insurance.


Any increase in the home's worth (equity) is yours because you are the owner. Like other assets, houses often increase in value over time. However, they may sometimes decrease in value. You may use that equity as profit when you sell the house. To benefit from equity, however, you don't need to wait to sell.

A cashout refinancing of your mortgage debt, a home equity line of credit, or a home equity loan are just a few of the lending alternatives that allow you to borrow against the equity you have built up.


Becoming a homeowner is a suitable match for you if you like the location you live in, are prepared to remain for at least three to five years, establish roots, and maintain your current employment.


Purchasing a property requires significant financial leverage. Your strong credit history and 20% down payment work as leverage to help you get a loan for a home that is worth far more than you pay for it.

You must have your finances in order in order to have that leverage. In order to make timely housing payments for the foreseeable future, you will need that down payment, excellent credit, stable work, and sufficient finances.


Monthly Housing Payment

Rent is the amount you pay each month to your landlord or rental agency in order to reside in a home or apartment. This money assists in covering all of the rental company's expenses, including upkeep and repairs. The property isn't yours. It is yours to keep for a month at a time. You have to pay rent, which usually increases annually, in order to stay where you are.

Mortgage Interest

You cannot "refinance" your rent payment since there is no loan involved, and rent is not a deductible item for income tax purposes.

Heap of Different Nominal per Dollars
Heap of Different Nominal per Dollars

Property Taxes

Although your landlord may require you to pay property taxes as part of the lease, you often don't pay them directly. If that's the case, you get the same income tax deduction for that amount as a homeowner.

Landlords often factor in taxes and other expenses when determining your rent amount. You are not deducting such expenses. Several states allow you to deduct renter's credits that account for indirect taxes paid. Crucially, because you do not initially own the property, you cannot lose it as a tenant owing to unpaid taxes.


When it comes to painting, remodeling, plumbing problems, or repairing appliances that the owner gave, you are not in charge of maintaining your home or apartment. Similar to taxes, the landlord's estimate of the cost of upkeep may be included in your rent; nevertheless, the landlord is ultimately obligated by law to keep up the property.


Renters insurance only covers the cost of your personal belongings and not the structure where you live, so it is less costly than homeowners insurance. In the event that you are at fault and someone is hurt on the property, personal liability insurance is also included.


You do not own the house or apartment where you reside; thus, you cannot gain or lose equity. The only individual who benefits from equity, or a home's gradual growth in value, is the owner.


Renting could be a better option for you right now if you have the desire to move, have unstable employment, or are not prepared to remain in one area for a minimum of three years.


While they are less severe, the financial requirements for renting are still there. You need strong credit, the deposit amount, and the capacity to pay rent on time in order to rent a house.

Live rent free

Rolled 20 U.s Dollar Bill
Rolled 20 U.s Dollar Bill

5 Ways To Live Rent-Free

It needs to be better that the majority of your salary goes toward rent. The fact that rent costs are only rising makes the situation considerably worse.

However, many individuals are able to live fully rent-free with a few clever tips. That translates to more money in your pocket and more money to meet your financial objectives in the future.

Rent-Free Jobs

If you're prepared to work for it, there are several ways to live rent-free. These positions may enable you to get free housing. A great option if you're itching to travel is to teach overseas. English language instruction pays well anywhere in the globe.

Some nations, such as South Korea and China, provide English instructors with free travel and lodging. Even if you have to locate your lodging in many countries, it's still much less expensive than what you would spend in the US.

In many nations, it is optional to have any prior educational experience in order to get started. To teach English, you often need a college degree and a TESOL or TEFL certificate.

Volunteer With Peace Corps Or Americorps

Volunteering in the Peace Corps or AmeriCorps may be very rewarding for those who have a strong desire to give back. Participate in programs that combat hunger, promote education, and aid with disaster relief.

The Peace Corps gives you accommodation and a living stipend in exchange. Additionally, you'll get around $10,000 after two years. While AmeriCorps doesn't often provide housing, the organization does provide stipends to aid with living expenses.

Become An Au Pair

Au pairs help a host family by providing live-in childcare. Worldwide, there are a lot of chances in many nations. You also get to live in the house of your hosts without having to pay rent.

Living abroad with a host family presents an excellent chance for cross-cultural interaction. To be an au pair in certain countries, one must have a basic understanding of the language.

Immersion in the culture can accelerate your language learning process if you're interested in practicing a foreign language. Every nation has its regulations, especially those pertaining to age. Au couples often range in age from 17 to 30. Typically, au pairs remain with a family for a minimum of a year.

Manage A Property

Property managers of apartments are often faced with several tasks. When you have any issues, concerns, or requests for maintenance, you should generally contact them. You could be eligible for a complimentary stay in one of the apartments in return. You will also be paid a salary.

This may be an excellent method to live rent-free if you're willing to cover the entire apartment building. Certain buildings do not provide free rent; they merely provide reduced rent. However, the money you get from overseeing the property ought to make up the difference.

House Hack Your Way To Free Rent

Purchasing a house is a costly endeavor. You may earn enough additional money from home hacking to pay off your mortgage and then some. Purchasing a home, occupying a portion of it, and renting the remaining space is known as "house hacking," as it helps pay off the mortgage.

Purchasing a home is the first step. Generally speaking, you should aim to save 20% of your income for a down payment on a property. However, if you're thinking about house hacking, conventional, FHA, or VA loans may be obtained with a down payment of 5% or less.

It would be best if you also felt at ease with the duties associated with being a landlord. You'll need to maintain your property and make sure everyone pays their rent on time. If you reside in a hot rental market, this concept might be highly profitable with a little effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Pay Rent Instead Of A Mortgage?

Typically, the most significant aspect is financial. People who have growing credit, bad credit, a lot of debt, or cannot afford a down payment on a house often rent.

Can You Save For A House While Renting?

You should take more drastic action if you're keen to save money for a house and want to do it quickly. To help divide the rent and other costs, consider hiring a roommate. You might even consider moving into a smaller, less costly apartment to save money every month.

Is It Reasonable To Have No Debt?

Living debt-free may improve your financial stability and relieve you of the burden of debt in the event of an unforeseen circumstance.

Is It Smarter To Pay Rent Or A Mortgage?

Using a mortgage to buy a house is a long-term investment in your future financial stability and independence, even if paying rent may reduce short-term expenditures.

Is It Smarter To Rent Or Buy A House?

Purchasing a home offers you equity, privacy, and ownership, but the high cost of maintenance, taxes, interest, and insurance can quickly add up. Renting an apartment or house allows you more mobility and less upkeep.

Is Renting Better Financially?

Even if your mortgage payment is less than your rent, owning a property usually has more total costs than renting.


This article aims to explain how to never pay rent or a mortgage ever again. Achieving a mortgage-free life requires a combination of financial literacy, strategic planning, and disciplined execution of various strategies.

Whether through real estate investments, alternative housing solutions, or generating passive income streams, the path to financial freedom is unique to each individual.

By adopting a holistic approach and embracing a mindset of continuous improvement, you can work towards the goal of never having to pay rent or a mortgage again. Remember, financial freedom is a journey, and with dedication and perseverance, it is a goal that can be realized.

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